Course and Syllabus Design 2019

Module II, 09 - 11 May, İstanbul Commetce University

How do participants benefit from the programme?
In this 2-module course we aim to provide participants with a broad overview of the main principles of foreign language course and syllabus design (CSD). The focus will be on both theoretical and practical issues in CSD. The design of a curriculum encompassing different levels (A1, A2, B1, etc) appropriate to different learning contexts will be addressed.
Who is the programme designed for?
This programme has been developed for ELT professionals working for intensive language schools at universities at all levels who are keen to develop their understanding and abilities in the following:
  • key principles underlying good practice in CSD
  • curriculum evaluation and revision in their own institution
  • providing leadership in their institution in CSD
  • managing their own continuing professional development in CSD
Module 2: Core themes include:
Discussion: how to align the planned curriculum, the taught curriculum, the learnt curriculum
Layers of the curriculum: from general overview to weekly outlines
Sequencing of objectives
Discussion: what should weekly outlines include and look like? what is the role of the coursebook?
Groupwork: prepare a 2-week outline
Groupwork continued
Presentations: each group presents their draft 2-week outline
Discussion and feedback
Understanding innovation theory and potential resistance
Discussion: support required for effective implementation of a new curriculum in terms of materials and training
Developing an assessment matrix for the new curriculum: test specifications
Curriculum Handbook: which documents are needed for who?
Discussion: Evaluation and revisions; who, when and how?


Dr. Simon Phipps is Director of ATI (Anatolia Training Institute) in Ankara, which provides teacher training and educational consultancy. He previously worked as Deputy Director of Bilkent University School of English Language for 20 years, where he was responsible for in-service teacher training and development, designed/directed an MA programme 2003-13, and also led a Curriculum Development Project in 2012. He has recently worked on Curriculum projects at Atilim and Ankara Social Sciences Universities. He has worked in ELT since 1985, and has CELTA, DELTA and Adv Dip in ELT Management as well as a PhD in Education from the University of Leeds.